Surya Valliappan Krishna

Associate Director, Projects and Operations
Surya Valliappan Krishna is associate director of projects and operations at Carnegie India.

MA, Terrorism, Security, and Society; King's College London
BA, Psychology; Christ University, Bengaluru

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Tamil

Surya Valliappan Krishna is the associate director of projects and operations at Carnegie India.

His responsibilities include development, communications, finance, and research project management. He manages partnerships with key stakeholders and executes development strategies as part of the operations team. He also oversees the communications team to help craft the organization's external strategy. Additionally, he assists the finance team with budget management, forecasting, and grant compliance.
His research interests are India-Pakistan relations, border security, and cross-border violence. In particular, he works on the nature and dynamics of cross-border violence and its impact on civilian communities.
Surya has a BA (Hons) in psychology from Christ University, Bengaluru and an MA in terrorism, security, and society from the Department of War Studies, King’s College London.

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