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Establishing deterrents for a country like Russia to discourage it from conducting offensive cyberoperations against the United States is practically an impossible task.
Putin’s surprise decision not to expel U.S. diplomats from Russia in response to the recently imposed U.S. sanctions served multiple purposes.
Many political scientists who study democracy are alarmed by developments in Europe, the United States, and elsewhere in the world.
If Americans want to avoid revolution, mitigate violence, and keep a law-based world, they need a progressive movement to open up democracy to average citizens, and bridge the cultural gap between elites and broader American society.
There is a lot that remains unknown about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections.
US President-elect Donald Trump has said a number of contradictory statements during his campaign pertaining to an overall foreign policy strategy he will pursue in the Middle East.
Following Donald Trump’s electoral victory in the United States, will French presidential candidate François Fillon be defeated by populism?
Data suggests that the Chinese economy has stabilized in spite of a global economic slowdown, with increased investment and rising property values signalling a stable, though slower, growth.
The prospects for the Trans-Pacific Partnership look dim in the face of a Trump administration, which may open opportunities for China to take the lead in the Pacific region.
Polarization in the Arab world may be the result of political systems that have opened themselves up to political debate, but not given healthy ways in which to translate political debate into political outcomes.